Green IT and Smart Cities
Green IT, also known as green computing, makes IT products and IT applications in an environmentally-friendly way. The objective is to minimize the negative environmental effects of manufacturing, operating and disposing…
Green IT, also known as green computing, makes IT products and IT applications in an environmentally-friendly way. The objective is to minimize the negative environmental effects of manufacturing, operating and disposing…
2020 is proving to be a pivotal year for plastic action, with renewed calls to take a more systemic approach as opposed to an overreliance on recycling. By 2050, the global…
How the plastics industry is developing in 2020 affects what individuals the companies are looking to hire. With more than 60 countries having bans and levies on the use of…
The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the global economy and disrupted the waste, plastic, and recycling industries. While waste management, plastics production, and recycling sectors at first glance appear only tangentially…
Обстановката с индустриите в България се развива динамично по време на извънредното положение, свързано с пандемията от COVID-19. През месец март фирми от шивашката промишленост, козметиката и фармацевтиката се преориентираха…
The new EU Commissioner for Environment, Virginijus Sinkevicius, considered the implications of a general ban on plastic packaging. Building on the EU’s prohibition of various disposable plastic articles and packaging…
За по-малко от месец над 65 фирми у нас са се адаптирали и са трансформирали производството си съобразно извънредната ситуация заради коронавируса. След кризата това преориентиране би могло да допринесе за…
За по-малко от месец над 65 фирми в България са се адаптирали да произвеждат предпазни материали в помощ борбата с COVID-19, съобщи Industry Inform. От данните се вижда, че на…
България може да разнообрази асортимента от продукти, които да пуска на нашия и други пазари в условията на пандемия. Тя може да покаже капацитет и в производството на повече медицинска…
IndustryInform joins the fight against the coronavirus by putting together a registry of companies – producers or merchants of personal protection materials such as masks, disinfectants, nutritional supplements, food supply….
Solutions to chemical industry’s decarbonization problem far off
in Analyses and Forecasts Industry SectorsIs a new European industrial policy in the making
in PolicyHow is the chemical industry doing world wide?
in Industry SectorsWhat are the market research techniques?
in Analyses and ForecastsHow can information help businesses in the competition for resources?
in Value of DataWhat are the key advantages of IT in the optimization of your business?
in Value of DataHow can digitized data of the industry provide advantage to you business?
in Value of DataWho else whould use IndustryInform? – 2
in IndustryInform ServiceWho else would use IndustryInform?
in IndustryInform ServiceWho would use IndustryInform?
in IndustryInform Service